Feature Expansion: Implemented additional mathematical functions such as trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent), logarithms, and exponentiation to enhance the calculator’s utility.
User Interface Improvement: Revamped the user interface with a modern and intuitive design, incorporating features such as a history log of previous calculations and customizable themes.
Error Handling: Implemented robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle invalid inputs and mathematical errors, providing informative error messages to the user.
Memory Functionality: Added memory functionality allowing users to store and recall previous results for further calculations, enhancing convenience and productivity.
Unit Testing: Developed comprehensive unit tests to ensure the accuracy and reliability of mathematical computations and user interactions, facilitating easier maintenance and debugging.
Performance Optimization: Optimized the codebase for improved performance, including algorithmic optimizations and memory management techniques, resulting in faster computation times and reduced memory footprint.
Documentation: Created detailed documentation covering the application’s architecture, design patterns used, and instructions for building, running, and extending the calculator application.